Better Education = Better Beekeeping.
At Honey Haven Supply we do everything we can to make sure your bees stay healthy and thriving! Free beekeeping courses and tutorials from experienced beekeepers is one of the ways we ensure our community has all the tools they need to succeed!

Varroa Destructor Mite
Over the past decade, beekeepers have seen mites decimate apiaries, and leave our bees helpless.

Fighting Nocema
Nocema is a gut parasite in honey bees, causing digestive issues and colony decline, threatening the health and longevity of your buzzing friends.

Hive Winterization
Winter can be a serious killer for our flying friends! Learn how to give them the best chance at making it through ready to take advatage of the spring nectar!

Swarm Prevention
Nobody likes cracking their hive open to find it empty. Let us help you keep your bees happier, in your yard.